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Simple Planning Tool for Climate Hazards

This tool is a compilation of relatively easy-to-use online interactive tools, maps, and graphs to assist planners and emergency managers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas who are assessing their long-term climate risks, both historically and in the future. It is primarily designed for decision-makers who serve small- to medium-sized communities, but may also be of interest to those who serve larger areas. This tool was developed with input from local and state emergency managers and planners.

Southern US Drought Tool

This tool displays information on drought severity and the amount of precipitation needed to get out of drought. Users can view precipitation statistics (e.g., rainfall total, departure from normal, % of normal, and standard precipitation index) by climate division for any state in the SCIPP region. Users can also select an end date and the time period (30-day period is currently available) for which they would like to view the statistics. Data are provided in table and map formats, and the normals are based on 1981-2010 averages.

Average Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Tool

This tool displays information on how a particular year’s temperature or precipitation values compare to normal (i.e., 30-year average for the period 1991-2020). Users can view the information in a graph format by climate division for any state in the United States. A mouse-over function allows the user to view monthly values.

Historical Climate Trends Tool

This tool displays precipitation and temperature trends for the period of the instrumental record, 1895-Present. Users can view the long term average (horizontal line), 5-year moving average, and yearly average by climate division and season for any state in the lower 48 states. Data are provided via a graph and a mouse-over function allows the user to view yearly values.

Climograph Tool

This tool displays daily temperature and rainfall values for a specified observation site and year. Data are available from 1990-Present. The data are displayed in a graph that compares the observations and the 1991-2020 normals (i.e., 30-year average).

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SURGEDAT: Global Peak Surge Map

This tool provides an interactive global map with peak storm surge/storm tide for over 700 locations since 1880. Circles on the map represent unique storm surge events. Larger, darker circles represent higher magnitude events. When users click on a surge observation, a pop-up box indicates the storm name and year, as well as the location and height of peak storm surge.

Surge Database

SURGEDAT: Interactive Surge Maps

This tool enables users to map all storm surge observations for hurricanes and tropical storms that have impacted the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Users can view information by storm name/year or location. Searching by storm name and year displays a map of storm surge observations and a table with observation location, storm surge and/or storm tide height, as well as the datum and type of observation. Searching by location displays a map of all peak storm surge observations within a buffer zone. This page also includes graphs of return periods with associated surge heights, surge heights by year, and a ranking of surge heights within the buffer area.

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SURGEDAT: Live & Archived Storm Surge Updates

This tool displays a graph of storm surge data from multiple gauges during specific tropical storms and hurricanes on the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts. Users can track storm surge data live during active storms or view an archive from past storms. A map with the storm path and gauge locations is also available, and users can view the wind speed and direction, pressure, and moving speed along the storm path.

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SURGEDAT archives historical storm surge data. In fact, SURGEDAT is the world’s most comprehensive storm surge database, with more than 700 global peak storm surges since 1880. More than 300 of these events occurred in the United States. The SURGEDAT website hosts three different storm surge tools: Global Peak Surge Map, Interactive Surge Maps, and Live/Archived Storm Surge Updates. Each tool is slightly different in the functionality and geographic area of coverage.

Texas Temperature Trends

Temperature Trends Dashboard

This tool displays seasonal, extreme, and annual temperature data and trends at locations across the SCIPP region for the period 1970-2022. ​

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