Analyzing Projected Changes and Trends of Temperature and Precipitation in the Southern USA from 16 Downscaled Global Climate Models

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Format: Journal Article
Year: 2012
Authors: Lu Liu, Yang Hong, James Hocker, Mark Shafer, Lynne Carter, Jonathan Gourley, Christopher Bednarczyk, Bin Yong, Pradeep Adhikari
Affiliate Organizations: University of Oklahoma, Louisiana State University, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Hohai University

The study examines spatial patterns of expected temperature and precipitation changes across the six-state SCIPP region. Temperatures are expected to increase more in summer and fall, and the interior northwestern portions of the region are expected to heat up more quickly than the Gulf Coast region. Fall and winter show wetter conditions in the latter part of the century across nearly the entire region, with greatest increases in the east.

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