How Can Community Discourse Inform Natural Disaster Mitigation Activities?

Investigator(s): Ellie Weaver, PaShioun Young, Sophia Marrone, Kyle Franklin, Caylah Cruickshank, Mark Shafer, Rachel Riley
Research Dates: 2022 - 2023
Affiliate Organization(s): University of Oklahoma

The research question for this project is: How Can Community Discourse Inform Natural Disaster Mitigation Activities?

We find that a wide range of stakeholders (representing the community, governments, organizations, individuals, and even wildlife) are identified in public discourse related to flooding. Different factors, such as a direct or negative impact, a desire to help those at risk or in need, or a role-based obligation to “do something,” motivate stakeholder engagement. Many stakeholders have subject matter expertise or a desire to improve the community’s resilience. Some stakeholders may need assistance or resources to develop participation efficacy and may provide non-financial, yet tangible, resources to co-produce disaster mitigation.

A final report has been published for this project and is available here.

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