
SCIPP at the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop

SCIPP investigator, Darrian Bertrand, recently attended the 49th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop in Broomfield, CO. Held annually since 1975, the workshop brings together natural hazards researchers, non-profit organizations, the private sector, and local, state, and federal governmental agencies (including FEMA). In following this year’s theme, “The Stories We Tell: Creative Strategies for …

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NHCWorkshop Panel 2024 (Image credit: Darrian Bertrand)

New Report: Heat-Related Emergency Department Visits in Louisiana

During winter 2023/2024, SCIPP worked alongside the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) to draft a report titled, “Heat-Related Emergency Department Visits in Louisiana: Review of Syndromic Surveillance Data for April through October 2023.” The report details the historic heat of 2023 and provides important information for heat safety. Additionally, SCIPP’s Vincent Brown and Charles Simson …

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SCIPP Louisiana Temp HRI ED Visits

New Publication: U.S. Military Installations and Extreme Weather

Drs. Dolly Na-Yemeh, Mark Shafer, and Cassandra Shivers-Williams recently published their article, “U.S. military installations and extreme weather: an Oklahoma case study on preparation,” in Environmental Hazards. The paper explores how military installations prepare for extreme weather. Participants in the case study, which was conducted via interviews and a focus group with emergency managers from …

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Table from Na-Yemeh et al.

New Publication: Natural Disaster Mitigation Stakeholder Analysis

How can community dialogue inform natural disaster mitigation planning? To answer this question, researchers at the University of Oklahoma and the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program used stakeholder analysis to explore public engagement related to flooding in three U.S. cities (Tulsa, OK; Fayetteville, AR; and Waco, TX). Our results identified different kinds of stakeholders and …

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Story Cover

New Publication: Emerging Climate Threats to the Mississippi River Delta

Dr. Barry Keim and Dr. Vincent Brown, researchers with the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program, recently published a study in One Earth exploring how threats posed by climate change could impact the Mississippi River Delta (MRD). Over the past century, > 25% of the MRD’s wetlands have been lost due to flood control levees, pervasive alteration …

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Delta Cover

New Publication: Hazard Planning Lessons from Six Inland Jurisdictions

A journal article titled, “Headwinds in the Heartland? Hazard Planning Lessons from Six Inland Jurisdictions in the Southern Plains,” was recently published in the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. It was authored by Dr. Ward Lyles, Penn Pennel, and Rachel Riley. The article describes the findings from a comparative case study analysis that …

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6 Cities Map revisedcropped

New Publication: Predicting Restoration and Aquaculture Potential of Eastern Oysters

Dr. Vincent Brown and Dr. Barry Keim, researchers with the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program, recently published a study in Ecological Modeling investigating potential outcomes for oyster restoration and aquaculture development. Entitled “Predicting restoration and aquaculture potential of eastern oysters through an eco-physiological mechanistic model,” the paper focuses on using modeling to understand present oyster …

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SCIPP Leads 2024 South Central Climate Resilience Forum

The inaugural South Central Climate Resilience Forum (SCCRF) was held from April 2-4, 2024, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, TX. The Forum focused on fostering meaningful dialogue on climate resilience and adaptation across Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. It brought together over 250 representatives from all levels of government (40% of …

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SCCRF 2024 Logo Sun

Understanding Climate and Environmental Impacts for Vulnerable Residents in Tulsa

SCIPP’s Theme 4, Climate Justice, assesses how cities in the South Central U.S. are adapting to climate change and whether they consider the needs of vulnerable residents in their plans. As part of this work, Ph.D. student Olivia VanBuskirk and Co-PI Dr. Lauren Mullenbach recently conducted field work in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to investigate how community …

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Cover page for Theme 4's Tulsa Report
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