Connecting Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Planning in Climate Discourse-Sensitive Regions: A Cross-RISA Collaborative Project

Investigator(s): Rachel Riley, Darrian Bertrand, Seth Arens
Research Dates: 2020 - 2022
Affiliate Organization(s): University of Oklahoma • Westen Water Assessment • University of Colorado Boulder

This project aimed to build capacity for state and local hazard mitigation planning efforts to incorporate climate information and support actionable climate adaptation. The project included three phases. 1. Collaborate with stakeholders to develop a Simple Planning Tool that is relevant to the state of Utah, building off of SCIPP’s prior work. 2. Assist an under-resourced jurisdiction in Oklahoma with updating their long expired hazard mitigation plan. 3. Investigate adaptation decision spaces in Oklahoma and Utah.

While two of the project phases were focused on producing outputs, the third phase discovered several factors that enable hazard mitigation and climate adaptation action. A summary of those include the importance of obtaining buy-in from community leaders and regional and state professional associations, access to concise and meaningful information, clarity and standardization of planning requirements, and workforce training. More details will be available in the final project report.

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