Communicating Climate Tools to Coastal Stakeholders

Investigator(s): Renee Edwards, Barry Keim, Andrea Miller, Alex Haberlie, Tryfon Boukouvidis, Marisa Karpinski, Josh Eachus
Research Dates: 2018 - 2022
Affiliate Organization(s): Louisiana State University • WBRZ -TV
stakeholder(s): Broadcast Meteorologists in coastal Louisiana • emergency managers

Emergency managers are tasked with helping communities prepare for extreme weather events, while broadcast meteorologists provide information that is used by the public and decision-makers. Better understanding of climate tools and greater awareness of communication problems will enhance their abilities to accomplish their mission. For this project, researchers administered a survey and interviewed emergency managers and broadcast meteorologists in coastal Louisiana. Two recommendations from the project were (1) to increase face-to-face communication with internal and external partners and (2) to expand emergency managers’ use of social media. More information, including recommendations, white papers, and podcasts of interviews, is available at This project received funding from Louisiana Sea Grant.

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