Managing Drought in the Southern Plains

Investigator(s): Mark Shafer, Margret Boone, Alek Krautmann, Monica Mattox
Research Dates: 2011 - 2021
Affiliate Organization(s): University of Oklahoma • Oklahoma Climatological Survey

A drought of strong intensity and vast geographical extent gripped areas of the South Central United States from 2010-2012. To respond to the severe conditions, multiple efforts were launched to engage decision makers in regional, state and local arenas in a conversation about drought. A four-pronged approach was used to assure that all of these arenas were addressed: regional workshops, state drought planning, a series of webinars and supporting local impact reporting. The net effect of these efforts is that interaction between these arenas and between the academic and practitioner communities increased substantially. Many decision makers participated in multiple activities, such as state drought planners attending the regional workshops or local Farm Service Agency offices participating in the drought webinars and impact reporting.

Webinars can be found here.

Drought Briefings can be found here.

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