
New Publication: U.S. Military Installations and Extreme Weather

Drs. Dolly Na-Yemeh, Mark Shafer, and Cassandra Shivers-Williams recently published their article, “U.S. military installations and extreme weather: an Oklahoma case study on preparation,” in Environmental Hazards. The paper explores how military installations prepare for extreme weather. Participants in the case study, which was conducted via interviews and a focus group with emergency managers from …

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Table from Na-Yemeh et al.

SCIPP Leads 2024 South Central Climate Resilience Forum

The inaugural South Central Climate Resilience Forum (SCCRF) was held from April 2-4, 2024, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, TX. The Forum focused on fostering meaningful dialogue on climate resilience and adaptation across Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. It brought together over 250 representatives from all levels of government (40% of …

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SCCRF 2024 Logo Sun

2024 South Central Climate Resilience Forum

We are happy to announce that the inaugural South Central Climate Resilience Forum will be held from April 2-4, 2024, in Dallas, TX. The Forum is focused on fostering meaningful dialogue on climate resilience and adaptation across Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. It will bring together representatives from non-profit organizations, all levels of government, community groups, …

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